In an official statement, the Ministry of Education (Minedu), through the Regional Directorate of Education of Metropolitan Lima (DRELM), announced the suspension of face-to-face classes for tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6. In this regard, they indicated that the remote mode will be continued.
“In view of the events of violence that have arisen in recent hours, the Regional Directorate of Education of Metropolitan Lima (DRELM) informs the educational community that the willingness to provide the distance educational service will last until tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6,” the statement said.
DRELM noted that the measure is for public and private educational institutions of the 7 UGELs of Metropolitan Lima and “aims to safeguard the physical integrity and emotional health of our students, families, teachers, managers and administrative staff.”
“This measure extends to the public and private educational institutions of the 7 UGELs of Metropolitan Lima, and its purpose is to safeguard the physical integrity and emotional health of our students, family members, teachers, managers and administrative staff”, concludes the statement.
The announcement comes in the context of vandalism in downtown Lima, where public and private property have been invaded, and even attacks on the press. The event also occurred after peaceful demonstrations in Plaza San Martín and near the Chamber of Parliament, where President Pedro Castillo announced that he would amend the Supreme Decree of the social immobilization that was in effect until today Tuesday until 11:59 p.m.
Hours prior to the events, the Minister of Education, Rosendo Serna, said that face-to-face classes at schools in Lima and Callao were going to take place this Wednesday, April 6.
“There are classes tomorrow. What I want to point out is that children and young people have missed class hours and having missed two days of school, the return will also be face-to-face and the recovery of the day will also be face-to-face. What do you mean? If two days have been lost, we have to find the space to recover the two days because in the year we have to be 36 weeks old,” said the official from outside the Government Palace, for TV Peru.
It should be recalled that Rosendo Serna Román assumed the Ministry of Education on December 29, 2021, at a ceremony held at the Government Palace, to replace the questioned Carlos Gallardo. Serna Román was a university professor and head of the Regional Directorate of Education of Huánuco.
As is recalled, the Regional Directorate of Education of Lima Provincias announced that face-to-face school classes were suspended in state and private schools on Monday, April 4 and Tuesday, April 5. The same measure was taken in the Callao region.
In a statement, the entity indicated that the measure is being taken to “safeguard the comprehensive safety and health” of students and teachers. He stressed that classes can be given virtually.