Identifying what our best qualities are can be difficult, but life and the internet have solved this by making available to us various ways of finding out, such as the personality tests or personality questionnaires.
It is said that looking at our way of being a lot can limit us to not seeing beyond, but everything will depend on how you take it because it can also help you reveal your positive and negative personality traits, thus enhancing and improving them.
Through personality tests you can find out what attracts people to you, and we don't talk about physicality, we mean something deeper and it's the way you are.
To perform this test you must observe the image where there are three elements that stand out, choose one and know the result of this test. To find out the meaning of what you chose go to the bottom.
We recommend that you do not go down until you choose a figure.
If you saw people first, what attracts people most about you is your incredible ability to follow the flow and wave of others, you are not afraid of anything. While this may make you sound like a relaxed person, it doesn't, what's more, you'll never get to be like that because you're always very active.
People around you and your friends are counting on you, for example, when it comes to going to a new and strange place, visiting a new restaurant or, in general, going on adventures, you are simply a strong leader with an eye and vision for what is next, but don't forget that you should take small breaks to savor and enjoy the moment.
If you saw the flying saucers first, what people can't resist about you is your good heart. You are truly amazing, not only are you loving, patient and kind, but you are also one of those few people who never judge a friend or reject them for making a decision that could be seen as risky or unconventional. You accept people as they are and respect their ideas, even if you don't share them. That doesn't mean that you stay quiet when you see that something is wrong, on the contrary, you give your point of view, but if the other person doesn't want to change their mind, you just respect them.
You're very loyal and everyone knows that. But keep in mind that what draws people to you can also end up hurting you, so you must ensure your protection while remaining that reliable light for others.
Remember that it's not bad, you're too good, but don't ever let them abuse your trust.
Seeing the alien's face first, it means that what attracts people most about you is that you completely accept the strange and the crazy. You have never been one to judge others for being different because you better than anyone understands them.
To many people you may seem like a weird person or a strange person and well, you're proud of that weirdness. That is why others feel comfortable not to hide their true way of being, they are them in all their essence and rarity. That makes you big and stand out above others, so you shouldn't be surprised when you see people copying you, if you don't like it, it's best to stay calm and save your energy to keep shining.