The representatives of the Pedro Castillo government and the leaders of transport and farmers' guilds reached the first agreements to stop the protest and the blockade of roads. However, the confrontation between citizens and the Peruvian National Police claimed the lives of three protesters. In this regard, Congresswoman Susel Paredes published a tweet demanding clarification of these, as well as actions for those responsible politicians.
“On the social conflict in Huancayo. Prevention, management and transformation of conflicts is what is needed, what is strategic, and not seen. Extinguishing fires is not the answer,” the tweet published by the representative of the Purple Party in Congress reads. Despite agreements between the State and various unions, blockades are still taking place in some areas of the country such as Apurimac, according to Canal N. The carriers in that area of the country have requested that President Pedro Castillo be able to meet with them.
“Deaths must be clarified and there must be political responsibility. #FueraMinistroChavarry,” says Congresswoman Paredes from her social networks. In this regard, the Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Chávarry, confirmed the loss of three lives. “When the protests have taken place, some have protested peacefully. The police have handled the situation to avoid social costs. There have been three deaths, two accidents and the death of a child who fell into the river,” said the head of portfolio today morning. A fourth victim died because he did not receive the necessary care.
“We have 22 detainees, three offenders who have been arrested with televisions that had been looted from some shops. The 22 detainees are at the disposal of the police for investigations with representatives of the Public Prosecutor's Office,” said the Minister of the Interior about the actions of the police during the protests and later pointed out that the situation had been controlled. “Order was restored, the principle of authority was imposed, private property has been safeguarded and public order has been maintained,” he added.
Although the government reached initial agreements with the protesters' representatives, one of the most repeated demands by the latter was the absence of Pedro Castillo at the negotiating tables set up yesterday at Huanca Stadium. However, Defense Minister José Gavidia denied that the president had any problems going to the center of the country.
“(Is the president going to arrive in Huancayo?) Definitely. As part of these agreements there are some meetings for the next few days. Let's hope that the ministers will tell you directly what are the agreements regarding the president's presence in Huancayo. The president doesn't have any problems; he's traveling every day. Yesterday he was in San Martín; today he will be in the north of the country,” said Gavidia without confirming whether the president will attend the next meetings agreed with representatives of the transport and farmers' guilds.
The one who did say that Pedro Castillo will visit Junín in the coming days was the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez. “We want to highlight the Government's commitment to the Wanka people, the Junín region, the development agenda that the Junín region needs. This is why next Thursday we will have a decentralized meeting of the Council of Ministers. It will be led by our President of the Republic. It will be a space to land and specify the set of announcements that have started to be published since today”, he said.
Carriers strike LIVE today: latest news, agreements with the Government in Junín and Aníbal Torres conference