The plenary session of the Congress of the Republic approved the extension of the deadline, for a period of 20 working days, to the commission investigating the general elections held last year. The national representation supported this request by 53 votes in favour, 52 against and zero abstentions.
During the support, the head of the working group, Jorge Montoya (RP), indicated that the request was intended to complete the work, because the deadline expired last Friday.
He said that on the last day of work, the preliminary report and the conclusions drafted, but not debated, had been completed, as well as two witnesses who could not appear due to covid-19 had yet to be received.
“Another delay that occurred was because the office was closed for almost two weeks due to staff sick with covid-19, but we couldn't do it virtual because the commission is reserved and all the work we do is face-to-face,” he added.
In this regard, he explained that this caused a delay of 20 working days, this being the deadline they request for the extension.
“And that is the deadline we are asking for an extension to be able to finish the work, there is very little left to finish it and that way everyone will have clear and precise information about what happened in that period,” he added.
The plenary session of Congress approved, by search, the replacement text of bills 129, 337, 429, and others, which revalued the teaching career, amending articles of the Law on Teacher Reform, on compensation for length of service.
This regulation amends articles 53 and 63 of the Law on Teacher Reform, on Compensation for Time of Services (CTS).
Thus, it established that teachers will have a CTS of 100% of their full monthly remuneration, per year or fraction greater than 6 months of official services effectively worked, counted from their appointment to the date of their retirement.
The Executive Branch observed this rule because it demanded additional resources from the State, since this additional expenditure was not provided for in this year's Public Budget Law. In this regard, they proposed that the payment should be implemented over a horizon of up to 3 years, from 2022 to 2024.
In this regard, the Education Commission established changes to the implementation of the standard.
The new text states that teachers who leave in fiscal year 2022 receive 50% of the CTS payment this year, 20% in 2023 and 30% in 2024.
Meanwhile, teachers who retire in 2023 receive 70% of their CTS that same year and 30% the following year; while teachers who retire from 2024 onwards will receive 100% at the time of cessation.
With 107 votes in favor, the Plenary of Congress approved, by search, the replacement text of this law, which is based on bills 129, 337, 429, and others.
The initiative was supported by parliamentarian Ezra Medina, president of the Education Commission.
Meanwhile, legislator Pasión Dávila (Free Peru) welcomed the approval of the law that proposes to revalue teaching careers. “Yes, it could!” , he wrote on Twitter.
“Today in plenary we approved the opinion amending the Law on Teacher Reform, allowing the progressive provision of 100% of the CTS for teachers in our country,” said the legislator Karol Paredes of Popular Action.