Investigation of Semar agents who assaulted tourists in Bacalar in alleged drunkenness

Allegedly, the elements refused to pay the bill after having ingested alcoholic beverages and after an argument they had pointed their rifles at civilians on the premises.

GUADALAJARA, JALISCO, 02DICIEMBRE2021.- Un operativo de la Marina Armada de México se llevó a cabo en la colonia Jardines Alcalde, en Guadalajara. En la zona se contabilizaron alrededor de 20 a 30 vehículos de la SEMAR y un helicóptero sobre la zona. Aunque no se ha dado a conocer información sobre el movimiento, en la zona hay elementos a pie, apoyados por un helicóptero de la misma secretaría que sobrevoló la zona a muy baja altura. Aparentemente este operativo es parte de las acciones se están realizando es debido a los hechos que se registraron en semanas anteriores, como la detención de la esposa de Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes “El Mencho” y por la privación de la libertad de dos elementos de la Marina. FOTO: FERNANDO CARRANZA GARCIA / CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Mexican Navy Secretariat (Semar) made four naval agents available to the Quintana Roo Prosecutor's Office, who are investigated for alleged attacks committed by pointing guns at tourists and diners in a restaurant in Bacalar.

According to the official report, the military elements have participated in acts contrary to the law by registering a hostile attitude towards the civilian population, which contradicts the values and principles of the naval discipline in which the members of Semar are trained.

According to local reports, during the night and early hours of March 25 and 26, four sailors without uniform showed up to a local in the center of Bacalar, where they drank various alcoholic beverages.

But at the time of charging the bill, they refused to pay and pointed their guns after an argument in which they wanted to be favored because of their membership in the Armed Forces.

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