Profeco called to respect the ban on shrimp 2022

During this period, fishing for any type of shrimp is not allowed in the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of California

MAZATLÁN, SINALOA, 09MARZO2010.- Estados Unidos
MAZATLÁN, SINALOA, 09MARZO2010.- Estados Unidos vetó la importación de camarón mexicano la cual aplicará el próximo 20 de Abril del año en curso. Según alegan las autoridades norteamericanas la técnica con la que se pesca a este crustáceo no protege a la tortuga silvestre. Esta restricción no aplicará a los camarones producidos en criaderos. En imagen de archivo el Barco Tarola que recolecto en cuatro días 1,200 kilogramos. FOTO: VÍCTOR HUGO OLIVAS/EL DEBATE DE SIINALOA/CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Government of Mexico established this Wednesday, March 23, the beginning of the Temporary Shrimp Ban in which no species of marine animal can be fished.

In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), through the National Commission for Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca), indicated that the Agreement was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF).

This indicates that as of 23:00 hours last Wednesday (05.00 GMT on Thursday, March 24) all shrimp species in the Pacific Ocean and in waters under federal jurisdiction of the lagoon, estuarine, marsh and bay systems from the border with the United States, including the Gulf of California, to the border with the Republic of Guatemala.

This is done in order to ensure greater production, better use of the species in the next 2022-2023 catching season, since at this time of year, there is a greater consumption of marine species.

For this reason, Ricardo Sheffield, head of the Federal Consumer Attorney's Office (Profeco), called on his social networks to continue with the Shrimp Veda.

Mexico lifts ban on shrimp fishing in the Pacific Ocean
The ban prevents fishing of any species of shrimp (EFE/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)

“The 2022 Shrimp Temporary Ban has already begun. Fisherman and shrimp friend: I invite you not to let your guard down and to respect the period of the ban; this way you will have greater production and income in the future. Don't forget that shrimp that falls asleep, is carried away by the current!” , he wrote through his official Twitter account.

Along with this, he uploaded a video in which he urged the fishing community to continue with the ban: “I want to invite all fishermen not to let down their guard and to continue to participate in the care of the Shrimp Veda”.

“The ban is over, the family of the fishing sector is very important for all of Mexico, so we must strengthen the culture of caring for this tasty product such as shrimp,” the prosecutor said in the one-minute video with thirteen seconds.

Veda Shrimp
(photo: Twitter/ @SheffieldGto)

Finally, he ended with “Remember, don't overdo it! ”, emphasized the Attorney General. Similarly, Conapesca called on fishing boats to respect the ban as this would benefit more than 250,000 people and more than 60,000 families.

This takes place in the middle of Lent, a celebration of purification in which red meat should not be consumed, so it is customary to prepare meals with fish or chicken meat.

For this reason, the consumption of marine meat, including shrimp meat, increases during this celebration.

In addition, Profeco also recommended the consumption of domestic fish, as a high percentage of water was detected in tilapias from China. The Attorney General's Office explained that this product is refrigerated by placing a layer of ice on top of it, which causes the fish to contain more water because of the melted ice.

The sale of fish increases from Ash Wednesday until Palm Sunday, which is why Attorney Ricardo Sheffield, started the Verification and Surveillance Operation Lenten 2022.

