Profeco: These are the states that report the highest prices for lemon and avocado
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), during the first half of March 2022, inflation grew by 0.48% compared to the last 15 days of February
25 Mar, 2022 00:42 a.m. EST
MÉXICO, D.F., 19MARZO2014.- En la Central de Abastos de esta ciudad el limón se vende hasta en 40 pesos por kilo. En mercados y en supermercados el precio alcanza hasta los 60 pesos lo cual afecta a la economía de los mexicanos, pues el limón forma parte de su dieta diaria. De acuerdo a las autoridades la escasez de este cítrico producido en cuatro estados del país se regularizará hasta la segunda quincena de abril.
Following the inflation rates released by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) since the last months of 2021, the increase in some of the inputs that make up the basic basket continues to increase in local markets and supermarkets, such as lemon and avocado, two of the foods that have been achieved prices of up to 100 pesos per kilo in some regions of Mexico.