Juliana Calderón also spoke of the confrontation between her sister and La Jesuu

Yina Calderón and la Vallecaucana are the protagonists of the new dispute on social networks, so the younger sister of the DJ came to her defense


Over the weekend, a controversy was generated on social networks, due to the new aesthetic procedure carried out by Valentina Ruíz, better known in the world of content generators such as La Jesuu. The vallecaucana underwent an increase in the size of her lips and when she saw the images, Yina Calderón quickly came out to comment on the influencer's retouching.

“I stuck a deflated one, rather it was like a sign from God, see parce, see how she turned out, I do not know if she is going to deflate, hopefully it deflates but children I am not going to make myself cheekbones, nor square face, rather they did it to me it was a favor to me... so babies see I woke up judiciosita with my girdle of jowl, La Jesús Uu he started uploading that video and saved me”, concluded the businesswoman through her social networks.

After Yina Calderón commented on Valentina's aesthetic procedure in which she was not very satisfied with the result of the new lips of la vallecaucana, she also referred to the malpractice of the plastic surgeon who indicated that he did not perform a good job this time.

Of course, the statements of the merchant in girdles were not to the total liking of the vallecaucana who criticized the unethical nature of the elder of the Calderón sisters in wanting again to criticize other people's bodies and dedicated a few words against the businesswoman in which she added that these types of comments do not affect her life at all, of the great sadness that it generates that type of strategies are used to attract followers.

“Why in order to sell your work you have to speak ill of other people's work... I feel that you are alone declaring yourself a deficient person... I have never had surgery on my face, only hyaluronic acid and I love the way I look, how many surgeries have you done? ”, said Valentina Ruiz.

And he added: “I call this by its name, which is to want to attract attention in a bad way, because everyone who has undergone a hyaluronic acid procedure knows perfectly well that the anti-inflammatory process is 1 to 3 days depending on the body, on the person, the inflammation can last longer,” said La Jesuu in her Instagram account.

Here is the full content of La Jesuu:

Of course, these words did not go well with the younger sister of Yina Calderón, who immediately came to the defense of the owner of the girdle company, adding that no more conflict and violence should be generated with the attacks produced by La Jesuu on her social networks.

I don't defend my sister because I know she doesn't have to say about anyone's life. But I also don't share the idea of generating more conflict, violence through social networks, so women, when they say something to you, don't stop balls, you are beautiful without exception, that's how strong, big and mature you are,” Juliana Calderón said in her 'InstaStories'.

Here is Juliana Calderón's answer:

Juliana Calderon
Juliana Calderón defended her sister from the La Jesuu attacks and called for no more violence on social media. Taken from Instagram @rechismes

Reactions quickly appeared to Juliana Calderón's statements, as the entertainment portal 'Rechismes' was responsible for replicating the content of the content generator. With more than 11,700 likes, users of social networks have also left their comments on which they stand out:

“They are always like that, they attack and then say 'no more violence'”, “Why don't you tell that to the phenomenon you have as a sister”, “Give that advice to the sister who needs it enough”, “They throw the stone and hide their hand, as always the Calderón sisters”, among others.