How to add money to your Afore from an App if you live in the United States

It is an application aimed only at Mexicans who reside in the neighboring country and with which they can also send money to their loved ones

MÉXICO, D.F., 29ABRIL2015.- Este miércoles
MÉXICO, D.F., 29ABRIL2015.- Este miércoles entró en vigor el nuevo reglamento de tránsito para el Distrito Federal, el cual, entre otras disposiciones prohibe el uso de celular mientras se conduce, con multas que van de los mil 399 pesos a los dos mil 98; el exceso de velocidad se penaliza con multas de los 699 a los mil 399 pesos para vehículos particulares; asimismo, los ciclistas podrán usar la totalidad del carril derecho en calles que no cuenten con ciclovía; entre otras disposiciones. FOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Retirement Fund Managers (Afores) have the function of safeguarding resources so that when they reach adulthood they can transform into a pension and live in the best way. Given this, there are some apps to increase that savings, such is the case of one that we will talk about below.

It is an application aimed only at those Mexicans who live in the United States, but have an Afore account or to add contributions to the accounts of their loved ones, reported the National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Consar).

In this sense, here we will explain which platform (available only in the US) is that allows you to send money from the neighboring country, so that they can be accumulated in your Afore accounts in Mexico.

(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Those interested will need to follow some steps. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

What are the steps to use it?

1.- The interested party must download the app called uLink, or go directly to the site.

2.- Once there, you must register with your name, email, address, telephone number and date of birth.

3.- Choose the option “send to Afore” and select “add a contact from Afore”.

4.- Then you must register the recipient of the shipment, that is, the account holder and place your CURP.

5.- You will then have to add the amount you want to send to Afore's account in Mexico, from 25 to 499 dollars.

6.- Select the payment method: bank account, debit or credit card in the United States or the prepaid uLinkard Prepaid Mastercard.

7.- Review the details of the transaction and confirm.

According to the official website of the platform, with it you can also send money to your loved ones digitally.

On the other hand, if you are one of the millions of Mexicans who were working before migrating (you contributed to the IMSS or ISSSTE) or if you want to open a retirement savings account in Mexico, then this is interesting for you:

*One of the main questions is How do I know if I have an Afore account?

To locate it, the interested party can make a phone call, search the internet or download the AforeMóvil app. To do this, you will need to know the following.

-By phone

From Canada and the US: The worker can call 1-844-582-4933 and select option 1.

From Mexico call SARTEL at 55-13-28-5000 and select option 2.

The user must have at hand their Unique Population Registration Key (CURP), or their Social Security Number (NSS).

-On the Internet

In this case, you must enter the E-SAR portal (, select the “Locate your Afore” section and share the aforementioned personal data.

-AforeMobile App

Download the application from your cell phone and enter the CURP, email, cell number and continue with the steps indicated.

It is very important that you have any of these identifications at hand: IFE/INE, Mexican Passport or Consular Registration.

Once you locate your administrator, you will need to contact her to provide more information about it. In addition, there are other questions for those Mexicans who have an Afore account but live in the US, information that may be useful for his retirement.

