Youtuber Alex Tienda, who documents his travels and shares customs of tourist places in different countries, made a comparison between Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA) and a famous proclamation of Mexican culture.
Through his Twitter account he said: “Yes. This is the airport that we are told is at the level of the best airports in the world. They buy... mattresses, drums, refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, microwaves... Or some old iron they sell? ”.
His tweet accompanied him with a video of the new airport in which he shows many people crowded and in the background the sound of the staff with a megaphone saying “let's free this space please, so that passengers can board”.
That is why the content creator alluded to the sound of the proclamation. After its publication, netizens responded, some of them in the form of discontent such as user @LuisRam73990004 who commented: “I'll see you there taking a flight”, to which Alex Tienda replied: “If I have no choice I'll have to use it. .. Just like I use the current one in Mexico City. That doesn't mean they're both not terrible airports... Even if you can't understand it.”
In the same way @edder_belt questioned the youtuber's comparison: “I want to think differently and not be the Mexican crab, I like your videos whether you like it or not because you are Mexican and I feel that it is a way to support you but why talk badly about our country? The worst thing for a Mexican is another Mexican.”
Tienda also said “today #AIFA, Mexico's new airport in Santa Lucia, was inaugurated. Some claim that it is world class, others upload images showing a project halfway and I meanwhile... I can't help but remember my trip to North Korea.”

He later explained why he made the comparison and described what in his perception resembles North Korea: “unfinished works, facades that disguise deficiencies, political propaganda, cult of the leader's personality... And a lot of similarities that with a little common sense, it's not that hard to make sense of it.”
Similarly, netizens did not keep their ideas waiting against, such is the case of @Eduardo69489494 who replied to him “I think you will block me here too, I am very sad that you are a person who does not stand criticism of your work as a YouTuber but to criticism of your rejection of this government and its achievements in infrastructure, greetings” .
For his part, user Gerardo Ulloa @olCryptOlo “Alex with all due respect you think that AMLO is a bad person but in reality he is doing much more than another pinch* corrupt president”.
On March 21, the inauguration of the airport took place, which is one of the government's projects of the fourth transformation led by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. After the reception ceremony and as part of the first day of AIFA operations, hundreds of people on social media caused a stir over the theme of the new international airport.
From politicians, influencers and different Twitter users who comment criticism in the form of disagreement with the work or by journalists such as Epigmenio Ibarra who spoke in favor of AIFA “If it was possible hundreds of guests attend the opening of #AIFAorgullonacional with an air of victory”.