Violence in Guerrero: six members of a family were ambushed and executed

The State Prosecutor's Office investigates and came to collect evidence, as well as the transfer of bodies to the Forensic Medical Service in the area

ACAPULCO, GUERRERO, 11ABRIL2019.- Al menos dos muertos y un herido se registraron en diversas balaceras suscitadas en la colonia La Mira, en la parte alta de Acapulco, a lo largo de la tarde de este jueves. Momentos de pánico vivieron pobladores de calles y colonias como la Pensador mexicano y Silvestre Castro, debido a detonaciones registradas en diferentes momentos del día. En la persecución y enfrentamiento con presuntos delincuentes participaron elementos de la Secretaría de Marina, Ejército Mexicano, policías municipal, estatal fueron quienes fueron atacados y pidieron el apoyo federal. Reportes señalan que durante la balacera se registraron dos presuntos criminales muertos y uno herido en lo largo de las calles quedaron casquillos percutidos de diferentes calibres. Asimismo, se informó que dos hombres habrían sido detenidos. FOTO: BERNANDINO HERNÁNDEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Violence in Guerrero showed its incessant wave with the ambush and execution of six people identified as members of a family, who were intercepted in the Mountain Region.

According to the report of the state prosecutor's office, the multi-homicide occurred during the early morning of March 18 in the municipality of Metlatonoc and the victims were located inside a vehicle.

The reasons for this crime are still unknown, while the bodies were transferred for necropsy and legal rulings. Local reports indicated that the ambush was on a dirt road on the stretch that connects Cocuilotlatzala and Lagunilla Yucutini.

Information in development...
