Keeping your leg and hip muscles strong makes you look good in shape, but it is also very important for overall function. Legs need strength to move effectively and maintain good posture.In addition, strong muscles in the legs and buttocks can also help prevent injuries. Now, researchers have linked leg strength to healthy aging.
We enjoy the benefits of yoga at home. To all the good things that the abdominal plank has. Online classes (via YouTube or Instagram) that are most similar to those in the gym. It applies to fitness apps that allow you to maintain training and keep track of the process.In this home fitness pilgrimage, it was fair and necessary to talk about the exercises that work best when working on the two areas of our body that demand the most: buttocks and legs .
In addition, as experts have confirmed, if we consider that we tend to make a very common mistake that prevents us from seeing results during butt training, it seems that we do not know how to activate the results, do aerobic exercise at the beginning of the session or do not consume enough protein. It is fair and necessary to clarify the roadmap to follow if you want to do gluteal exercises at home.
“For home education to really work, there must be a minimum of materials. Many elements are not needed. If we use bands and dumbbells to focus on the glutes and legs according to each student, we will be fine. It should be borne in mind that not everything you see on Instagram or YouTube is good for everyone, it is important to move from the simplest to the most complex and do it gradually. If the exercise hurts, it is very important to consult a specialist. Let's remember that more is not better in physical activity. Christian Carrizo, a bodybuilding instructor and body trainer certified by the NEF school, general body preparation, crossfit and weightlifting coach, and member of the Argentine Wush-Kung Fu team, said Christian Carrizo.
Along the same lines, in an interview with this medium, Daniel Tangona, the personal trainer of the most important celebrities and businessmen of Argentina, is also a certified personal instructor at the National Council for Strength and Exercise (NCSF). It requires a lot of mind and spirit. It is very important to spend energy in the gym, lift weights, and do aerobic exercise. Activities that produce endorphins, lower cortisol levels, and all neurotransmitters work are beneficial. Going to the gym and leaving life is more stressful for us. It is not impossible to create a quality of life, health and well-being plan, but it must be composed together by professionals dedicated to quality of life and well-being.”
To do this, Sandra Lordén, a personal trainer and specialist in sports nutrition, has developed for Vogue magazine a table with 10 exercises to strengthen the buttocks and legs that we can do at home, regardless of the level we have. There are the most traditional and effective waysTo perform all the exercises and adjust them to the level of training, you need to follow the instructions of a specialist regarding the number of repetitions, the time of rest (between sets and exercises) and the load.
In the standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and look straight at the ends slightly outward. Keep your back straight and bend your hips and knees about 90 degrees.Then return to the starting position. You can stretch your arms forward to assist in running.
Keep your back always straight. To increase the level of difficulty, you can include weights in the embodiment with bars, dumbbells or elastic resistance bands.
From the standing position, take a long step forward until the knees of the hind legs touch the ground. Return to the starting position and swap forward feet.
Descend in a vertical plane with your back in an upright position. Gently lower your back until your knees are connected to the ground. To add difficulty, you can use dumbbells or weights on both sides of the hand.
3. Buchi
The starting position is lying on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Here, lift the pelvis by lifting the hips off the floor until the body is aligned.
Align the body well (pelvis, torso and shoulders). It goes down smoothly. To add difficulty, it can be done unilaterally, supporting only one of the legs.
The starting position is standing, the legs are slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. Place the object to be lifted from the ground in the center of the legs (this could be a dumbbell, a bottle of water, a backpack with a book). Lower your legs with your chest facing forward, throw your hips slightly back (as if you want to sit down), and put your back down as straight as possible. Use the strength of your legs and back to prevent your arms from participating in this exercise.
Keep your back always straight. Pull your chest and do not bend your shoulders forward.
5. Mood de la
The starting position is with your back straight, looking straight in front of you, and your feet rest on the floor. Then move one of the legs horizontally (this is possible by pushing or lifting it from the floor). The shifting leg must be fully stretched, and the supporting leg should be bent 90 degrees. Return to the starting position and lift the displaced leg.
For greater stability, place your arms facing forward.
Step Up Alterno (or Sub Bidas Al Cajon)
The starting position is a standing position in front of a higher surface (it can be a ladder, a drawer, a chair or a bench). First, remove one leg from the ground until it is on the highest surface.Then the leg that was left on the floor is separated and placed next to the other leg on the highest surface. Finally, the return to the starting position is reversed, so the same leg that was last raised goes back to the ground, followed by the other leg. Then the next iteration starts with the opposite leg and repeats alternately.
Start on the lower surface until you have mastered the technique, and then increase the height. Keep your back straight at all times. The supporting legs of the chair should be placed at 90 degrees.
Lying on the back on the floor, push the soles of the feet to each other so that the knees fall to the sides (simulating the position of the frog). In this position, lift the hips upwards without losing the linearity of the torso. Go down to the starting position.
It is important not to take off your feet, but to lift your hips off the ground by spreading them up and down. Do not take off your upper back at any time.
8. Buttocks Kick in Quadruple Dictionary
The starting position is on all fours, knees and hands rest on the floor. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, and place your knees straight just below your hips. First, start with one leg, keep the knee bent 90 degrees and lift it until the leg is at hip level.Then lower the knee until it almost touches the ground and repeat the movement.When the repetition is completed with one leg, switch and repeat the same thing with the other leg.
It is very important that the spine is straightened so that the body forms a line that runs from the shoulders to the hips. Throughout the exercise, try to lower your shoulders down and away from your ears. During exercise, you need to plug in your belly and contract your abdomen.
9. Ji Ji
The starting position is placed on one side with the legs fully stretched out, and one is on top of the other. Lift the legs from the top up by about 45-70 degrees (until the spine does not bend and reaches the point of maximum gluteal contraction). Then, without putting the leg on the lower leg completely, return to the starting position and repeat the execution. At the end of the repetition, we do the same on the other side.
If you hold the raised leg for 2 seconds, the force on the leg will be more concentrated. To increase the amount of work, put an elastic band or weight on the upper leg.
10.치트 팀
The starting position is laid on one side. The lower leg should remain straight, without touching the ground, while the upper leg is bent and serves as a support for the ground. When placed in the starting position, the lower leg is raised or lowered dynamically.
If the natural arm position of the support is uncomfortable, the elbow can be straightened or bent to support the head. It is important to maintain a neutral position of the spine throughout the range of motion.
Pluses: the importance of diet, rest and aerobic exercise
The key to toning this part of the body is, above all, strength training (including weight). In fact, if you are going to combine this exercise routine with a mini aerobic exercise, it is essential to do it at the end, not the first time, so as not to start a gluteal work session with the muscles already tired and not full of fuel. It will not allow it to be done with robbery at the same time.
This exercise is one of the alternatives that we often save in favorites, but its virtues are in the middle. This means that it is not an exercise that must be performed every day, but about 2 to 3 times a week to have a 48-72 hour break between sessions.
It is important to remember that complementing it with a balanced diet that contains a lot of protein foods that provide energy and help to gain muscle mass improves the effectiveness of these exercises.The most recommended proteins are proteins of high biological quality.
Tangona, who has 40 years of experience, tries to change the habit of sitting and take care of the health of the students, without neglecting the mind and emotions so that everything works in harmony. This is what the holistic training is all about. The expert reveals how to train the body, mind and emotions in his book A No Excuse Path. “Today, people who can go outside instead of going to work by car or subway can do it on foot or by bike. Two things mean that they are not only economical, but they also add a lot of health to our daily lives. What is useful is the sum of daily exercise.” He emphasized.
“Hydration needs to be very good to complement everything we do. Let us remember that it is 80% water, andalso breathe deeply and consciously. On the other hand, another fact that is not a trivial fact is the subject of sleep. If we do not fall asleep, we cannot regenerate the energy our body needs. We have to rest, stop a little, and try to organize our dreams. The body adapts to bad things, but it also adapts to good things.” He concluded.
Asked about the habit of complementing training, Carrizo emphasized: “In this order, we must respect the hours of sleep at night for at least 8 hours, maintain a good diet, and, if possible, follow up normally by professionals in the area.”
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