After the assassination of indigenous leader José Miller Correa in the department of Cauca, indigenous communities report a new case of threats against him by criminals claiming to belong to the 'Black Eagles'. In this case, the pamphlet was presented by the elected Senator for the Special Indigenous Circumcision, Aida Quilcue, who stated that these events are repetitive, since it is not the first time she has been threatened, it should be noted that in January of this year, Infobae reported threats against him.
Quilcue denounced through his Twitter account that on March 7 a group of indigenous leaders in Cauca had been threatened by the 'Black Eagles' and after that, leader Miller Correa was killed. Despite this constant pressure from the illegals, no corrective action has apparently been taken, as the siege continues. the elected congressman stressed: “On March 7, several leaders of Cauca were threatened by the “Black Eagles” and 8 later Thuthenas Miller Correa was assassinated. Today, March 16, a new pamphlet threatening leaders of the Nasa people is released. The war is so naturalized that it doesn't seem to matter.” .
This threat forms a delicate situation that has become naturalized in southwestern Colombia, the panorama has been intensified by the presence of criminal groups that seek to take a position on the main drug trafficking routes to the Pacific, in addition to this, they try to silence those voices that denounce their criminal acts, where the community prevails the importance of ancestral territory, which must be respected, according to the same Constitution, in view of the free development of indigenous communities.
In the pamphlet the criminals highlight the names of several leaders of northern Cauca and even point to the Historical Pact, inferring that they would continue with the massacres in the territories, in the letter they say: “We are complying with our previous communiqué, beginning to cleanse indigenous and social leaders, they were not believed, there they have their left leader Miller Correa in all four tables. We are going to do collective massacres, we are not going to be defeated by the so-called Historical Pact, there are more leaders to be discharged, just as José Miller Correa fell, the following leaders will fall from Norte del Cauca, Santander de Quilichao, Zone 2: Edwin Capaz, Adelmo Valencia, Germán Campo, Albeiro Bastos, Juan Carlos Zamboní, Carlos Ulcue, Jesús Yule, Cristian Cardenas. Where we know that they have in the Porvenir neighborhood a Campito full of young people in the MB militias, using the facade of social leader and the rest of home workers and street vendors, the same happens in the Munchique, Los Tigres and El Naya reservation, where Mr. Juan Carlos Zamboní has hectares of coca and is an ally of dissidents of the FARC in the Naya, get your boxes ready, we will not fail, we will return to social cleansing from 2000 to 2004.”

According to Indepaz, to date 41 social leaders have been killed so far in 2022, in addition, 1327 leaders have been victims of criminal hands after the signing of the Peace Agreement between the National Government and the FARC, both the Truth Commission and the CRIC and various social organizations have lamented the perpetuation of crime in this area.
The Office of the Ombudsman highlights that this is a critical situation for the indigenous communities of northern Cauca, stating that early warnings issued for these territories have indicated that collective and individual protection of the indigenous reservations that are present in this area is necessary, in addition to this, it is necessary to protect the indigenous reserves that are present in this area. requests rapid intervention due to the risk of violation of the human rights of indigenous and community guards attached to these ancestral niches.