AIFA: PAN defined AMLO's megaproject “ducky airport”

Marko Cortés, national leader of the blue and white party, classified López Obrador's administration in the same way


National Action Party (PAN) leader, Marko Cortés, made a harsh criticism of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's administration (AMLO) ) and Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA) calling them a “duckling”. It is understood that the CEO's megaproject will be inaugurated on March 21.

In a remote press conference, the blue and white national leader assured that one of López Obrador's megaprojects “is a ducky airport like this Morena government.” After cataloging it in this way, Cortés compared AIFA with the one started by former PRI president Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) in Texcoco, which was canceled, being a of the first decisions made by the leader of the self-described Fourth Transformation (Q4) at the beginning of his term.

“It will only have 14 aircraft positions instead of the 120 that Texcoco airport would have had, as if that were not enough, the costs of Santa Lucia have skyrocketed. The president said that the construction of the airport would cost a total of 75 billion pesos, which was not even true, because at least 115 billion pesos have been spent so far, 50% more than they had estimated,” Marko Cortés said.

For his part, the PAN coordinator in the Senate of the Republic, Julen Rementería, indicated that the Tabasqueño administration's mega-project “is a rather with characteristics of a regional airport and, by the way, not one of the great ones.”

Likewise, one of the key arguments in Rementaria's criticism has been the time it will take for the capital to reach AIFA, since, according to her statements, it is faster to arrive in some states of the Republic. These comments were supported by the Secretary General of the PAN, Cecilia Patrón, who highlighted the 'high' costs that Mexico City residents will have to pay for their mobilization.

It's an airport that's absolutely poorly planned and doesn't have the capacity to solve problems or even grow,” said the NAP coordinator.

In addition to this, it is necessary to remember that the federal government announced through its official Twitter account the fares and routes that will be available in Città del Mexico and the State of Mexico to get to AIFA.

1. Perisur

- Transfer time: 1 hour and 35 minutes

-Cost: 150 pesos

2. Santa Fe

- Transfer time: 1 hour and 25 minutes

-Cost: 150 pesos

3. World E

- Transfer time: 1 hour and 10 minutes

-Cost: 125 pesos

4. Cuautitlan

- Tempo di transferimento: 1 ora

-Cost: 125 pesos

5. Mexico City International Airport (AICM)

- Transfer time: 57 minutes

- Cost: 125 pesos

6. National Auditorium

- Transfer time: 1 hour and 15 minutes

- Cost: 125 pesos

7. World Trade Center

- Transfer time: 1 hour and 15 minutes

- Cost: 125 pesos

8. Indios Verdes

- Transfer time: 42 minutes

- Cost: 50 pesos

9. Aztec City

- Transfer time: 1 hour and 32 minutes

- Cost: 18 pesos

10. La corrida o quattro caminos

- Transfer time: 1 hour and 40 minutes

- Cost: 125 pesos

In addition, information was provided on the interconnection points to AIFA from the four bus stations, the cost of which to reach Santa Lucia airport will also be 125 pesos and the trucks will depart from the North, West, Tasqueña and TAPO power plants.