Restless legs syndrome also affects sleep in children

The legs do not manage to be calm and neither does the owner. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) not only affects adults, but also children and young people.

ILUSTRACIÓN - Piernas inquietas, noches
ILUSTRACIÓN - Piernas inquietas, noches inquietas: un síndrome que también afecta a niños y jóvenes. Foto: Silvia Marks/dpa

The legs do not manage to be calm and neither does the owner. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) not only affects adults, but also children and young people.

“When they go to bed at night, children develop vague and diffuse alterations of sensitivity, usually in the depths of the legs, which they describe as burning, itching, ringing or 'like a fizzy drink in the legs', among other things,” explains pediatrician Ulrich Fegeler of the Professional Association of Pediatricians and Adolescent Doctors from Germany.

And, when moving the legs, this unpleasant sensation that the affected person experiences decreases.

Different causes can hide behind restless legs. In the first place, genes seem to play a prominent role. But low levels of iron or medication for depression or allergies can also cause this syndrome.

According to pediatrician Fegeler, it is considered a sleep disturbance. Therefore, it is a matter for families to find measures with the pediatrician that will improve sleep.

However, there are practically no medicines that can help children with restless legs. But regular sleep schedules, enough movement during the day and cold compresses or massages at bedtime can alleviate the discomfort.

