ANMAT banned a brand of olive oil

The provision was published this Tuesday in the Official Gazette

18-06-2020 Aceite de oliva.

The National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) banned this Tuesday through its publication in the Official Gazette, the marketing of a brand of olive oil due to various irregularities.

Regulation 2009/2022 establishes the prohibition of the processing, fractionation and marketing throughout the national territory of the product: “Olive Oil, Olivos del Norte, RNPA No. 12-005232, RNE No. 12-008028, Origen Aimogasta (La Rioja)”, due to the lack of establishment and product registers, resulting in consequence illegal products.

It also prohibited the commercialization throughout the national territory of “all those products that display the health registers RNE N° 12-008028 and RNPA No. 12-005232 on their labels as they are falsely labeled products that use a non-existent RNE and RNPA, and are therefore illegal”.

In its recital, it notes that the present proceedings were initiated following a consumer consultation received by the Department of Health and Nutrition Surveillance of Food of the National Food Institute (INAL), regarding the records displayed on its label the product that would not comply with the regulations food industry in force.

That is why the Food Quality Directorate of the province of Catamarca asked the Food Safety Directorate of the province of La Rioja to report on authorizations displayed on the label of the product under investigation, which reported that the RNE and the RNPA were non-existent.

The provision determined that it was a product that lacked establishment and product records, and consequently turned out to be illegal products (Gustavo Gavotti)

The INAL then reported that the Food Safety Directorate of the province of La Rioja verified the statement in a timely manner and confirmed that the RNE and RNPA displayed on the label are non-existent and that the product is in infringement because it lacks establishment and product records, resulting in illegal products.

Be aware of this and because it is a product that cannot be reliably and clearly identified as being produced, processed and/or fractionated in a particular establishment, it cannot be produced anywhere in the country, nor marketed or sold in the territory of the Republic.

Finally, it was determined that “in order to protect the health of citizens from the consumption of illegal products, in the case of food products that do not have registration, which is why their traceability, processing conditions, quality with adequate levels of control under the conditions cannot be guaranteed established by current regulations and its safety, the Department of Directory of Food Regulations of the INAL recommends prohibiting the production, fractionation and marketing throughout the national territory of this product, as well as all products that display the indicated health records on its label.”

At the beginning of December last year, this Administration also through a provision published in the Official Gazette, the marketing of an olive oil.

Regulation 8797/2021 established the prohibition of “the processing, fractionation and marketing throughout the national territory of products: “Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Estancia La Argentina brand, Industria Argentina, Origin of Mendoza, RNE: 13529821, RNPA: 13938214″ for lacking establishment and product authorization, and being falsely labelled by stating a non-existent RNE and RNPA number on its label, resulting in it being an illegal product.

In addition, it also established the prohibition of “the marketing throughout the national territory of all those products that display on their labels the health registers RNE No. 13529821 and RNPA No. 13938214 as they are falsely labelled products that use a non-existent RNE and RNPA, which are therefore illegal”.

