The UCI and USADA establish partnership for collaborative testing and results management efforts

The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) today announced the establishment of a formal collaborative partnership that will allow for extensive cooperation through the sharing of relevant anti-doping information, intelligence and athlete biological passport data, and participation in joint investigations, testing missions, and other initiatives.


The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) today announced theestablishment of a formal collaborative partnership that will allow for extensive cooperation through thesharing of relevant anti-doping information, intelligence and athlete biological passport data, andparticipation in joint investigations, testing missions, and other initiatives.

Recognising that anti-doping requires strong global commitment and partnerships, the UCI, the CyclingAnti-Doping Foundation (CADF), the independent body mandated by the UCI to plan and carry out antidopingin cycling, and USADA are confident that this agreement will enhance and streamline anti-dopingefforts and better ensure that all athletes in the sport of cycling can compete on a clean and level playingfield.

This partnership is the latest of many similar agreements signed by the UCI since 2013 in the pursuit of astrategy of cooperation and data sharing.

UCI President Brian Cookson said: "Signing a sharing agreement with one of the most importantstakeholders in the field of anti-doping is another testimony to the tremendous progress we have made inthe past three years in rebuilding trust in the UCI. This partnership strengthens our intelligence-ledapproach and we now have an unprecedented level of collaboration with anti-doping organisations aroundthe world."

Under the agreement, USADA and the UCI – through the CADF – will also work together on testing plans forUCI-sanctioned events in the United States. The organisations will share appropriate whereaboutsinformation, testing results, and other data.

"I am excited that the progress made by the UCI over the last several years has allowed our organisations tonow come together to best serve clean athletes," said USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart. "We know fromexperience that when sport organisations partner with independent anti-doping organisations, it bringsconfidence to athletes that their rights are being protected, and that they can compete and win on a levelplaying field."

For more information, please contact:

Louis Chenaille

UCI Press Officer

+41 79 198 7047

Ryan Madden

USADA Press Officer

+1 719-785-2024

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