
Lausanne, 28 May 2019 – On the occasion of the 52nd Meeting of the International Council of Arbitration for Sport

(ICAS) held today in Lausanne, Switzerland, ICAS members were elected to the following positions with immediate

effect and until the term concludes in December 2022:

President: Mr John Coates AC

John Coates (Australia) was re-elected, unopposed, to the position of ICAS/CAS President. Mr Coates has been a

member of ICAS since its creation in 1994 and has held the position of President since 2010 when he became the third

ICAS President, succeeding Judge Kéba Mbaye (Senegal, 1994-2007), founder and first President of ICAS, and

Mr Mino Auletta (Italy, 2007-2010).

Vice-Presidents: Mr Michael Lenard, Ms Tjasa Andrée-Prosenc

Michael Lenard (United States) and Tjasa Andrée-Prosenc (Slovenia) were re-elected, to the ICAS Vice-President

positions. Mr Lenard, lawyer, is an Olympian in handball (1984), former Vice-President of the United States Olympic

Committee (USOC) and former Vice-Chairman of the USOC Athlete Commission. Ms Andrée-Prosenc, lawyer, is a

former national champion in figure and roller skating; a former Council member of the International Skating Union

(ISU) as well as a former ISU judge and referee.

Appeal Division: Ms Corinne Schmidhauser (President), Dr Elisabeth Steiner (Deputy President)

Corinne Schmidhauser (Switzerland) was re-elected, to the position of President of the CAS Appeals Division.

Ms Schmidhauser, lawyer, is an Olympian in alpine skiing (1988) and winner of the 1987 World Cup in slalom.

Dr Elisabeth Steiner (Austria) was elected to the role of Deputy President of the Appeals Division. Dr Steiner joined

ICAS on 1 January 2019 and is a former judge of the European Court of Human Rights.

Ordinary Division: Ms Carole Malinvaud (President), Prof. Giulio Napolitano (Deputy President)

Carole Malinvaud (France) was re-elected, to the position of President of the CAS Ordinary Division. Ms Malinvaud is

an international and commercial arbitration specialist. Giulio Napolitano (Italy) was elected to the role of Deputy

President of the Ordinary Division. Prof. Napolitano joined ICAS on 1 January 2019 and is a professor of Administrative Law and Comparative Administrative Law at the Roma Tre University.

Anti-Doping Division: Mr Ivo Eusebio (President), Mr David W. Rivkin (Deputy President)

Ivo Eusebio (Switzerland) was elected to the position of President of the CAS Anti-Doping Division; Mr Eusebio is a

former judge of the Swiss Federal tribunal. David W. Rivkin joined ICAS in May 2019 and has been appointed as

Deputy President of the Anti-Doping Division; Mr. Rivkin is a specialist in international dispute resolution, past

President of the International Bar Association (IBA) and a former CAS arbitrator.

The appointed Division Presidents will be involved in the following commissions formed by the ICAS at the beginning

of this year:

Challenge Commission (new; chaired by Justice Ellen Gracie Northfleet, former President of the Supreme Court in

Brazil, and composed of the 3 Division Presidents and the 3 Deputy Presidents, less the President and Deputy of the

Division concerned by the specific procedure for challenge), which will handle the petitions for challenge raised against CAS arbitrators.

Membership Commission (renewed; chaired by Swiss Federal Judge Yves Rüedi and composed of Ms Tricia Smith

(Canada), Olympian in rowing, IOC Member and President Canadian NOC, and the three Division Presidents), which

shall review the lists of CAS arbitrators and mediators, as well as the candidatures of potential new CAS members.

All Presidents and Deputy Presidents of the CAS Divisions and of the new ICAS Commissions have been chosen from outside the entities of the Olympic Movement and are independent.

The International Council of Arbitration for Sport (ICAS), the governing body of the Court of Arbitration for Sport

(CAS), manages the administration and finances of CAS and is composed of twenty international judges, professors or lawyers active in the judiciary, international arbitration and/or sports administration. The members of ICAS who have not been mentioned above are:

Dr Abdullah Al Hayyan (Kuwait), professor of law (appointed by ANOC from outside the ANOC membership)

Mr Antonio Arimany (Spain), lawyer, Secretary General International Triathlon Union (ITU) (appointed by ASOIF)

Prof. Enrique Arnaldo Alcubilla (Spain), professor of law (appointed by ASOIF)

Ms Moya Dodd (Australia), former football player, team Australia, lawyer, sports administrator.

Justice Yvonne Mokgoro (South Africa), former judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa (appointed by the

IOC from outside the IOC membership)

Mr Mikael Rentsch (Switzerland/Sweden), Legal Director Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) (appointed by


Judge Patrick Robinson (Jamaica), Judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague (appointed by the IOC from outside the IOC membership)

Judge Hanqin Xue (China), Vice President of the International Court of Justice in The Hague (appointed by the IOC

from outside the IOC membership)

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