WADA and CCES Collaborate to Drive Forward Anti-Doping Education Strategies

Industry experts at 2015 Values-Based Education Conference discuss improving global education initiatives.


On 2 and 3 October, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES), in partnership with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) welcomed experts from the anti-doping industry to a values-based education conference in Ottawa, Canada aimed at improving global anti-doping education initiatives.

Representatives from 61 National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs), 18 International Federations (IFs), 4 Regional Anti-Doping Organizations (RADOs) and 17 researchers from 50 countries attended the event to examine how anti-doping organizations could advance initiatives on a global level by utilizing the collective knowledge of Anti-Doping Organizations and researchers worldwide. One hundred and fifty-one people from an additional 26 countries participated in the conference through its live streaming.

Day one of the conference involved examining research on the need for robust education programs and discussions on how to implement these programs effectively, with the second day focusing on how the anti-doping community could use the research to plan education strategies around the world.

"WADA and industry experts recognize that collaboration is paramount to the success of the clean sport campaign," stated Rob Koehler, WADA Senior Director, Education and NADO/RADO Relations. "The Conference was the ideal forum to discuss ways of addressing global issues, with local sensitivities, with the goal of implementing effective information and education programs. There is a clear message that all leaders must invest in values-based education to ensure that we have more effective research-based education going forward. Effective education has the power to prevent doping and, in so doing, effect positive change on society as a whole," he added.

"CCES is committed to the advancement of values-based education as a means to preventing doping in sport," said Paul Melia, CEO of the CCES. "This Conference provided an important opportunity to fundamentally shift our understanding of how to use sport values to prevent doping. In Canada, for example, we are fostering a social change approach that ensures the values of sport drive the experiences in sport from the time a child enters the sport system. We look forward to collaborating with our colleagues from around the world as we continue to advance new values-based educational initiatives," Melia added.

After examination, discussion and careful consideration of conference presentations and viewpoints, all participants committed to adopting the following key resolutions:

WADA, NADOs, RADOs and IFs must devote more financial and human resources to values-based anti-doping education programs.

Research must inform, guide and further enhance all education programs.

ADOs and researchers must continue to collaborate to further guide and enhance values-based education.

Effective values-based education and prevention programs must be implemented in order to significantly reduce doping in sport.

NADOs and RADOs must evaluate their anti-doping education programs and ensure that they reflect a values-based approach to enhance their effectiveness.

WADA must convene a follow-up conference before 2018 to examine the state of this important area of work and evaluate the progress of these resolutions.

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