With its Olympic future in the balance, Alex Watson looks to unseat Schormann as UIPM President

Modern pentathlon hopes to quell internal politics over how new discipline obstacle took place of show jumping on the program

FILE PHOTO: Tokyo 2020 Olympics
FILE PHOTO: Tokyo 2020 Olympics - Modern Pentathlon - Men's Riding - Tokyo Stadium - Tokyo, Japan - August 7, 2021. Ilya Palazkov of Belarus in action REUTERS/Carlos Barria/File Photo

The president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach stated he wants to see the Olympics evolve. As such he has supported the introduction of new sports such as surfing, break dancing and skateboarding - citing an edict of “change or be changed”.

Modern pentathlon’s governing body (UIPM) has been criticized for not being ‘modern’ enough for the Gen Z audiences of today. Which is why an internal program change was taken to add the Ninja Warrior obstacle course to replace horse jumping.

This governance issue at hand is not the discipline change per se, but in how such a change took place so quickly, without full body consultation, and with an appearance that a replacement sport had already been decided upon.

UIPM pres. Klaus Schormann hands
UIPM pres. Klaus Schormann hands out medals at women's event in Rio (ATR)

Enter Alex Watson. The Three-time Olympic modern pentathlete is challenging the UIPM President Germany’s Dr. Klaus Schormann who has presided over the sport for the past 30 years, for the leadership role. Modern pentathlon is currently not included on the program for the LA28 Olympic Games.

In a letter sent by Watson to the IOC and signed by dozens of modern pentathlon Olympic medalists, they are seeking an intervention by the IOC.

“To intervene and to make the UIPM accountable and open and transparent about the whole process because, as I’ve said, they put out that they were doing an open consultation considering a large number of potential fifth disciplines but, as we know now, the decision had already been made behind closed doors,” Watson said.

“The whole consultation process was really just a sham, and this is why the athletes have lost all faith and trust in the leadership of the sport.

“[UIPM] have made it clear they want the athletes brought into the process and that the athletes must be listened to. And we’ve made representations to the IOC … that that just isn’t happening and that we would like the IOC to monitor the situation.

“The IOC has told the UIPM that [it is] waiting for their proposals on the replacement of riding but the UIPM had put out originally that the IOC had ‘insisted’ on the removal of riding and wouldn’t consider any future for the sport with riding, but that is not correct.

“The IOC never demanded the removal of riding. [It has] asked the UIPM to resolve the problem and come forward with a proposal that is going to meet the IOC criteria for inclusion into the Games.”

Watson should know, as he worked as the competition manager for the modern pentathlon at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. He maintains major change is needed in order to preserve the presence of the sport and the UIPM at future Olympics.

The International Modern Pentathlon Union
The International Modern Pentathlon Union is conducting three test sessions to determine whether it should consider changing its fifth discipline to obstacle racing. Photo courtesy UIPM World Pentathlon/Augustas Didžgalvis

“Sadly, our sport is in big trouble through long-running, systemic failure to address professional sports management and governance issues,” Watson said.

“Somebody has to take responsibility and that must start at the top.

“I have listened to the athletes and I’m ready to provide the leadership they deserve.”