The World Athletic Doping Review Board (DRB) has currently approved 33 Russian athletes to participate in international competitions as neutral athletes (ANA) for the 2022 season. However the Russian Federation will continue to serve their ongoing suspension.
All Russian athletes who have been approved to participate as neutral athletes in 2022 will be subjected to a strict drug-testing program.
Currently 55 Russian athletes have been approved as eligible to participate as neutral athletes for the 2022 season. One application was rejected.

From the list of 55 ANA athletes, no more than 20 will be allowed to participate in the World Athletic Series events, including the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Serbia in March, the World Athletics Championships in the United States in July, the European Championships in Germany in August and the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships in China in November.
The DRB has also required the Russian rosters of 20 be subject to regular drug tests.
Any violations or failure to comply with ANA requirements will result in a punitive reduction of the Russian roster by 25% for each infraction.