The FIG strengthens ties with Cirque du Soleil


LAUSANNE (SUI) / FIG Office - MONTREAL (CAN) / CDS Head Office, February 19, 2013: The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) and Cirque du Soleil (CdS) have extended the partnership which was launched in 2009, concluding a new collaboration agreement which will run for the course of the current Olympic cycle from 2013 to 2016.

The agreement was signed on 17 February 2013 in the Olympic capital Lausanne, which is also home to the FIG, by the Federation's President, Bruno Grandi, and Bernard Petiot, the Vice-President of Casting & Performance at Cirque du Soleil. All of the newly elected FIG office-bearers, who had convened for the traditional transfer of power, were also present for the signing.

Under the new agreement, the two partner organisations will strengthen their cooperation and look to exploit the synergies between their competencies in order to broaden the identification of new talents, as well as harnessing the creativity of Cirque du Soleil to enhance FIG events.

"For our athletes, this agreement opens the door to new opportunities once they stop competing. This is also an extraordinary chance for gymnastics to benefit from the expertise of Cirque du Soleil in terms of conceiving and creating spectacles. Future FIG galas are sure to be inspirational events!" declared Prof. Grandi at the end of the ceremony.

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