The best European Youth Olympic Festival can be organised in Gyor


The XIV. Summer edition European Youth Olympic Festival will start with the official

Opening Ceremony on Sunday. Preceding the event an international press conference was

held in the City Hall of Győr. Zsolt Borkai, Mayor of the City Győr, President of the

Organising Committee welcomed the attendants. He said on the press conference, that the

city started the organising of our first domestic Olympic event seven years ago. These

seven years meant a vast amount of work, but now, as we can welcome the young

athletes of fifty countries here in Győr, everybody feels like all the hard work was worth it.

„It’s really good to see the faces of the youth as they take into possession the newly built

establishments happily and satisfied." We needed lots and lots of people’s hard work to

realize this. In his speech he thanked the Hungarian government for their support, The

European Olympic Committee for their trust, furthermore thanked the sponsors, the

volunteers and every citizen of Győr, because this event is our common success.

On the international press conference on Sunday Krisztián Kulcsár, President of the

Hungarian Olympic Committee reminisced, that in December of 2012, on the 41th general

meeting of the European Olympic Committees in Rome it was decided, that Győr can

organise the EYOF in 2017."I’m proud of the Hungarian team, of the 152 young athletes,

who will be there at the start of this competition in ten sports! We are proud and we are in

hock to the city of Győr. This city made our dreams come true: Hungary became a host of

an Olympic event! – finished his thought the President of the HOC.

Joseph Cassar, Chair of the EYOF Győr 2017 Coordination Commission said, that Győr will

organise a successful Olympic event. Knowing the previous development plans, he was

sure, that the city will be an excellent host for this event; now he could verify it

personally. The success of the organisation in Győr is well indicated by the fact that the

prevailing part of the tickets are already sold out in advance.

Raffael Pagnozzi, Secretary General of the European Olympic Committee said many thanks

to the Organising Committee for the excellent venue selection in his speech. Győr shows a

very good example. He uttered his delight that the built establishments satisfy all of the

athletes needs.

Janez Kocijancic, acting President of the European Olympic Committee thanked the citizens

of Győr and his good friend Mr. Zsolt Borkai for the excellent organisation and the positive

attitude. The flexible and attentive organisation is the key to success. „I’m sure, that Győr

will organise the best and most memorable European Youth Olympic Festival of all times!"

Győr, 23rd July 2017

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