Shiny Fang Appointed as UIPM Secretary General


Frankfurt, Germany: 17 November 2012 - Shiny Fang (CHN) has been appointed UIPM's new Secretary General at the Executive Board meeting in Frankfurt, Germany.

Mrs Fang, who has been UIPM's Assistant for International Affairs since 2008, working closely with the UIPM President Dr h.c. Klaus Schormann developing UIPM's relations worldwide replaced Joël Bouzou who served as Secretary General from 1997-2012.

UIPM President Dr h.c. Klaus Schormann said after the appointment: "I am very pleased with Mrs Fang becoming UIPM's Secretary General. I have a very close working relationship with her, and she has impressed me with her extraordinary abilities over the past 5 years.

This appointment shows our commitment to women's equality, putting a women in this important position"

Mrs Fang, who is also the Vice President of the International Cheer Union stated: "7 years ago I stepped into the Modern Pentathlon world, 5 years ago I joined in UIPM family before the Beijing Olympic Games, I was more and more attracted by this sport and the people of this sport.

In the last 10 years, UIPM had been very focused on modernization to become more exciting and challenging sport for the world's most complete athletes, I fully believe for next 4 years, we will continually develop, popularize, and promote Modern Pentathlon not only with Pentathlon, also with Biathle (run-swim-run), Triathle (run-shoot-swim) which are under Modern Pentathlon brand. More united and better cooporation, will be my goal for future management of UIPM."

Mrs Fang's starts in the role immediately and will be relocating from China to the UIPM office in Monaco.

Ivar Sisniega (MEX) was appointed by the Executive Board as UIPM's 1st Vice President and Vyacheslav Aminov (RUS) became the Vice President for Business Affairs.

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