The Bouldering World Cup in Vail has ended and the Speed and Lead World Cup in Chamonix does notbegin until July 11. In the meantime, our team remains hard at work. Since the 11th Plenary Assembly ofthe IFSC in February, multiple projects have been initiated or finalized.
Competition Innovations
World Cup coverage has significantly improved this year.The innovative drone technology of our modern age hasbrought an unparalleled perspective to live streaming.Viewers have also enjoyed slow motion replays of keymoments and close-ups of competitors which capture thedrama of the events. While Qualifications are notstreamed live, short highlight videos simplify the actionfor fans of sport climbing to view shortly after, along withmultiple authentic interviews of elite athletes.
These changes could not have occurred without the helpof OBS Medias, who now manages the production of thismaterial. The broadcasting agency artfully capturesthemost emotionalmoments of the season in monthly 26-minute highlight videos, aired in 135 countries thus far.Additionally, the English live streaming commentary ofCharlie Boscoe would not be enjoyed by thousands of
listeners from around the globe without their assistance.Stay tuned to the IFSC website for streaming of the nextevent in Chamonix.
Launching of Mobile Website
Smartphone users will be happy to know that a newmobile version of the IFSC website has been released. Thisplatform improves ease of access to IFSC news,competition results, athlete rankings and other keyinformation on the IFSC website. Perhaps most notably,
fans who cannot attend competitions can now take theaction with them and watch the live streaming in theirhands
Penceo Collaboration Expands Viewership
The IFSC has improved its presence on YouTube with thehelp of Penceo. The digital agency in charge of the IFSCYouTube channel continues to attract more viewsthan ever before. This year, Penceo is producing short videosfor each event which promote the live streaming. Theirmost recent thrilling trailer introducing the Vail livestreaming is a prime example. As a result of thesechanges and others, 40 percent more viewers than lastyear tuned in to YouTube over the first three months of theseason and 30 percent more visitors perused the IFSCwebsite.
Updated Athlete Profiles
The IFSC continues to catalogue hundreds of its athletes.These profiles are updated regularly and include basicinformation, competition results, links to social media andmore. While the athletes take a breather frominternational climbing competitions, be sure to visit the
dedicated athlete section of the IFSC website to discoverthe diverse personalities comprising the heart of theorganization.
All these improvements have been made possible with thesupport of our devoted partners: DJI, Entre-Prises, Epic TV,Kailas, Luxov and Tenaya.
For more information, please contact:
Pierre-Emmanuel DANGER
Media Relations
PHONE: +33 479266754 l MOB: +33 672230735
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