Filmmaster Events is Celebrating an Important Anniversary in the Same Year of Rio 2016

Turin: February 10, 2006 - February 10, 2016. Ten years since the first Olympic ceremony.


10 years ago Filmmaster Events made its appearance in the industry of big sports ceremonies with Turin 2006 ceremonies. With more than 1,8 billion contacts, it was the most watched television event of 2006, and won three Emmy Awards.

Filmmaster Events is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its first Olympic Ceremony. It’s an important date because it signs Filmmaster Events debut in the industry of big sports ceremonies. During the four Ceremonies, which received a huge support thanks to the made-in-Italy ceremonies of Turin 2006, extraordinary artists performed for more than 12 hours for the live coverage.

The "Sparks of Passion" have now become the official symbols of the Ceremonies. Thanks to a special technology that generated a 2-meters red flame, 8 Hockey athletes lit the passion during Turin 2006, reaching 70 km/h on the Olympic Stadium stage.


Among the most significant moments there is the raising of the flag, designed by Giorgio Armani, with the participation of the model Carla Bruni and the athletes parade, which lasted almost an hour, with the audience standing ovation for the entrance of Italian delegation. The show went on with songs and choreographies inspired to the Italian history, from Renaissance to Baroque and Futurism, represented by Roberto Bolle who interpreted the man of the future with a red crest on his head.

The famous dancer was only one of the big stars of the evening, which included Giorgio Albertazzi, Yoko Ono and Peter Gabriel (who sang his version of Imagine), Isabelle Allende, Sofia Loren and Susan Sarandon (the actresses carried the Olympic flag) and Luciano Pavarotti (he closed the evening with his Nessun Dorma).

Alfredo Accatino, Filmmaster Events artistic director, author in charge for the contents of Turin 2006 Ceremonies, stated: "The Olympic and Paralympic ceremonies thrilled us, but also changed us for good: we created a workshop of ideas, styles and skills. We learned a lot from that 3-years experience: we learned a new craft, a new language, and this allowed us to compete and win on an international level. Some absolute professionals were born after that experience, and they worked with us for the Mediterranean Games, the Commonwealth Games, for the Opening night of Champions League in Milan (which will take place in June) and for Rio 2016. An Italian DNA, created in Turin. The biggest event that has ever been organized in our country."

Turin 2006 Opening Ceremonies figures:

6.100 volunteers • 240 professionals in the staff • 15.000 working days • 100.000 meals • 6.100 costumes for the two shows • 5.500 pairs of shoes • 500 pairs of skates • 32 cameras in the Stadium • 4.000 m² of stage especially designed for this show • 10.000 m² of back stage (warehouses, cloakroom, labs, etc.) • 6.000 m² of changing rooms for the performer and the volunteers • 6.000 kw of electricity

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