Contemporary International to Provide Event Services for Sochi 2014


Contemporary International, global leader in planning and servicing major events, has been named the "Event Services" Supplier to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee.

Under the agreement, Contemporary International will be responsible for planning and managing the flow of spectators at the venues. They will also provide training materials for the Organizing Committee staff working in Event Services during the 2014 Winter Games.

The agreement was signed by the President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko, and the President and Chief Operating Officer of Contemporary International, Stephen Mirabile.

According to the agreement, Contemporary International will provide the Organizing Committee with "crowd management" services at the Olympic Games. Managing large crowds is essential when organizing an event of this magnitude. The success of crowd control logistics, and whether long queues and pandemonium can be avoided at the stadiums, can have a real impact on the image of the Olympic Games.

Contemporary International is experienced in managing event services at a number of high-profile international events, including six of the last nine Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Stephen Mirabile, President and Chief Operating Officer of Contemporary International, commented:

"Our company is proud to be contributing to such a vital aspect of the 2014 Games. Our experience at previous Olympic Games has given us a strong understanding of the exceptional nature of the Games, as well as its importance to the host city and country. The first-hand knowledge in event services that Contemporary International brings will help the Organizing Committee put on a successful and unforgettable Olympic Games in Sochi. "

The President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko, said:

"I am delighted that Contemporary International, a world-renowned company with a wealth of experience, is going to be involved in Games preparations. The company’s experts will share their in-depth expertise with us and I am sure that, together, we will be able to create a unique experience for all the participants and spectators at the Games."

For more information contact: Xenia Reizhevskaya, Sochi 2014 Head of Press Office, +7 925 999 2551

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