TTOC President 'Walking the Talk' in Support of Athletes


Media Release

Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee President (TTOC) Brian Lewis, ispreparingto "Walk the Talk" this Sunday, January 21st in the Trinidad and Tobago International Marathon in support of theTeamTTO#10Gold24 Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund. Ina continued effort to raise financial support and awareness for the Fund, Lewis will undertake the arduous 26.2 mile journey from Freeport to the Queens Park Savannah.

The Marathon Walk is one of the mainfundraisers for the Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund which was established in 2015.Money raised is earmarkedto assistTrinidad and Tobagoathletes withpreparation for major competitions,direct support andsubsistence, health and accident insuranceas well as the provision ofmedal bonuses whichwere introduced for the first time during the last quadrennial for the Pan Amand the Olympic Games.

Lewis is urging sports fans and general public to pledge, and honour their contributions which he says supports dreams and aspirations oflocal athletes who are talented and full of potential.

"The reality is, when you are competing against the absolute best in the world, you are up against athletes who are well resourced and have the best available support and preparation that money can buy.The Fund addresses the holistic aspects ofourathletes, understanding and recognising that they need support. Most of the times, the challenge is that they may not necessarily get that financial support when they need it most.This iswhy we do ongoing fundraising – toas far as possible, and as best as possible, provide the athletes with some measure of assistance when they need it most."

The corporate sector has also contributed to the Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund since its inception.

"We have corporate partners who are very clear that their partnership with the TTOC is directed specifically towards supporting the athletes, and we embrace that. Theyhave identified the Fund as being a key area where they want to make their contribution. A lot of it has to do with the fact that the Fundis dedicated tosupportingathletes."

The Fund has an annual targetofapproximatelyTT$6 million; and the TTOC President is working towards seeing it evolve into a full Foundation, creating the structures for sustainable financial support.However he says this weekend’s venture extends beyond that.

"We are not only raising funds but also promoting healthy and active lifestyles. People may want to show solidarity for some particular initiative that we are doing. It could beFuture is Female. It could beReplace Guns with Medals. Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee has done a lot over the years in terms of how we position the brand– TeamTTO. We have in many waysexpressed a sense of social responsibility."

Lewis, now participating for the fourth consecutive year, has been preparing mentally and physically for the feat which he is hoping to complete in under six hours. Hewill have at least 15 committed supportersto accompany him from sports administrators and former national players to media personalities includingTony Lee ,Anton Lafond, Dexter Skeene, Andre and Nigel Baptiste, Clayton Morris, Leslie Figaro, Elizabeth Griffith, Roger Daniel,CaptainAndy Cheekes, Richie Rahim, Dale Lutchman, THA SecretaryforSport and Youth AffairsAssemblyman Jomo Pitt, Mayor of Port of SpainAlderman Joel Martinezand Kerron ‘Sunny Bling’ Sealy.

"Whether you are walking, running or crawling in the marathon, you always have to dig deep. What keeps driving me, besides the support and encouragement around me, is knowing that I am doing it for a cause that I feel deeplyabout. Since becomingPresident in 2013, I’ve built my mandatearound three pillars:good governance, being market-focused and being athlete-centred.What genuinelyand sincerely motivates me is knowing that it is not about me, but rather it’s about support for our athletes."

Lewis says participation in the marathon event has added significancebecause of its Greek originsand connection to Olympism; while at the same time being a symbolic reminder of the journey and strugglesthat athletes experience.

Pledgesin support of theTeamTTO#10Gold24 Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund can be madeby calling the TTOC Olympic House headquarters at(868)625 1285; via email; via our website; or make a direct contribution to the Fund at Scotiabank (account number 171188).

The 36th edition of the Trinidad and TobagoInternationalMarathon is set for this Sunday January 21st from St Mary’s Junction in Freeport to the Queens Park Savannah. Walkers get going at 3:30am with the runnersand Relaystarting at 5:00am.


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